As readers will be aware, last weekend a group of travellers broke into the Stoke Lodge Playing Fields site and started an illegal encampment, and over the past couple of days more have arrived.
The Council has advised that responsibility for removal of the travellers rests with Cotham School. The Council’s GRT team is happy to offer general advice, but it can’t initiate the necessary legal steps to evict the travellers.
As such, Councillor John Goulandris & I have written to the Headteacher of Cotham School asking for an update and expected time frame and we will keep reader updated as and when we have an update.
I have spoken to the police regarding incidents at Stoke Lodge and by the play park.
It is vital that if you experience any sort of threatening or violent behaviour, that you contact the police on 101 or 999 if it is an emergency.
An online form at the bottom of the Avon & Somerset Police ‘Stoke Bishop’ page is here: