The next few months will be crucial for the village green status of Stoke Lodge Playing Fields.
As John Goulandris explains: " The Council's Public Rights of Ways and Greens Committee voted decisively in June 2023 to award village green status to Stoke Lodge Playing Fields. This gives the local community full access in perpetuity to this lovely green space without a horrendous fence. Northing prevents sports use of the playing fields by schools, clubs or informal groups, so in my view it's a 'win win' result for everyone".
Unfortunately, Cotham School do not appear willing to share Stoke Lodge Playing Fields and are insistent on fencing out the public. Cotham School have started legal action to challenge the village green status.
Henry Michallat comments: '' It's very regrettable that Cotham School have decided not to sit down with local residents to discuss future shared use of the playing fields and instead are using school funds (taxpayer money!!) to litigate. The court hearing is scheduled for 27th to 31st January 2025 and will cost hundreds of thousands of pounds. This money could be spent on pupils' education, but instead Cotham School has chosen to spend precious resources on barristers rather than books. It's disgraceful.
Understandably, local residents are furious and, at a packed public meeting held on 16th September at St Mary's Church, vowed to raise funds to ensure Cotham's litigation is robustly resisted.
John and Henry really hope that Cotham School do have a change of heart and finally recognise the strength of public feeling on this issue.