Bristol Waste announced at 5.30pm on Wednesday 7th July that green bin collections were being suspended for 10 weeks.
Cllr John Goulandris immediately contacted Bristol Waste : “ I told Bristol Waste that suspending the green bin service without any notice whatsoever was unacceptable. With a Thursday collection due for most of the ward the bins were already filled and inevitably would sit rotting and smelling for the entirety of the Summer, the busiest time of year for gardeners”.
Cllr Henry Michallat adds: “What we have essentially are compost bins on wheels. Residents quite rightly are furious. The Council doesn’t collect garden waste over the Winter and now isn’t collecting it in the Summer. It begs the question when do they actually collect it? Coupled with many missed black bin and recycling collections, I fear the management of Bristol Waste is seriously underperforming”
The Mayor has apologised for this lapse in a basic Council service.
Cllr Goulandris comments: “If only the Mayor stopped wasting his time daydreaming about a £4billion Bristol Underground and focussed his mind instead on delivering essential Council services, there would be greater faith in Bristol City Council’’.
John & Henry will keep local residents updated with this matter!